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Sigiriya, also known as the Lion Rock, is an ancient rock fortress and UNESCO World Heritage site located in central Sri Lanka. It is one of the country’s most significant historical and archaeological sites.

Beauty of Sigiriya

The fortress was built by King Kasyapa I in the 5th century AD. It is situated atop a towering rock column that rises about 200 meters (660 feet) above the surrounding plain. The rock is surrounded by lush forests and offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

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Sigiriya is famous for its elaborate palace complex, which was constructed on top of the rock. The entrance to the fortress is through the massive Lion Gate, where two gigantic lion paws once flanked the entrance, giving the site its name. However, only the paws remain today.

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As visitors ascend the rock, they encounter a series of remarkable frescoes, known as the Sigiriya Damsels or the Maidens of Sigiriya. These paintings, depicting beautiful women in various poses, are believed to have been created during King Kasyapa’s reign. Although time and weather have eroded some of the frescoes, many still survive and provide a glimpse into the artistic mastery of the time.

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Another notable feature of Sigiriya is the Mirror Wall, which was once polished to the extent that it reflected images like a mirror. The wall is adorned with ancient inscriptions left by visitors over the centuries, including poems, graffiti, and commentary on the paintings. These inscriptions offer valuable historical and cultural insights.

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Sigiriya Mirror Wall
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At the summit of Sigiriya, visitors can explore the ruins of the ancient palace complex, which includes the remains of the royal palace, the king’s audience hall, gardens, pools, and other structures. The views from the top are breath-taking and provide a sense of the strategic advantage that Sigiriya offered as a fortress.

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Sigiriya attracts tourists and history enthusiasts from all over the world who come to marvel at its architectural brilliance, ancient artwork, and rich cultural heritage. It stands as a testament to the ingenuity and skill of ancient Sri Lankan civilization.


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