328075808 1418097565388023 9014145714691990584 n edited

Kalugala Aranya is located in the Kalugala area in the Kalutara District of the Western Province in Sri Lanka.The forest is made up of natural beauty.

327983240 703335784911642 7821772813899879012 n

Close to the wilderness of the Sinharaja strict natural forest reserve there is a place by the name of Kalugala Arannanaya, a Buddhist monastery – a perfect setting for peaceful meditation. For that reason, for the monks in this monastery, meditation has become a daily ritual in their search for a path to nirvana. People from far away places comes here to give their offerings to the monks . Kalugala Arannaya is indeed a safe haven for those looking for peace of mind. Founded in 1940 by a great philanthropist in the area, P. Samaradivakara Ralahamy , Kalugala now has become a land of hope in showing the path to end suffering for the monks and Buddhist devotees a like.

327742202 724448259386912 7937554284290607410 n
327763024 920966602413790 7900538960258143320 n
327521195 752409216191896 7233598761597468665 n
328847424 526218566166874 3551887699260528031 n
328272017 3350630735175077 5818141958294234067 n
327629080 589114659408910 5864889162134263642 n
328884552 852860789112078 394607176400094243 n
328388901 1242171573375892 4897476683448613574 n
327636948 1550757122092355 8547095361521342157 n
328005494 1132216474114045 6826406975548638223 n
327307521 6308762575800881 4932277999079280956 n

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