The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has imposed a new bailout on Sri Lanka, which has been defaulting on its debt since last April. This includes not only economic conditions, but also geographical conditions.
Among these conditions, it has been mentioned that implementation and measures should be taken against corruption as the main condition.
Further, as a political condition, it has been clearly stated that there should be a government that has the people’s trust and approval
An institution like the IMF does not usually give political conditions like this, and it is clear that due to the unlimited economic mischief and fraud that happened in Sri Lanka, these political conditions have also been included. Moreover, the strong opposition of the people against the previous governments may have been a help.
The third point they mention is that social security should be established on the people, and the IMF has criticised this burden on the people.
However, the amount of 2.6 billion received from the IMF is less than what the current government expected, and it is a question whether this will be enough for the future work of the country.