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Hattel Alan is a Scottish man who had worked as a Welder. And he  is 78 years old. He divorced wife Berta after their split 29 yrs ago. In 2020 something had happened. 

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Mr Hattel said that,

“I found out through word of mouth. Somebody saw the stone and told me.”

“I thought they were winding me up but found out they weren’t taking the mickey when I went up to see it.”

“I hadn’t had a phone call for months. Now I think I know why. It’s causing a lot of disruption because I’ve got to let people know that I’m still alive.”

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And also finally he Realized the mistake after discovering his own gravestone erected by his ex-wife

According to the Scottish retiree, he claimed that reports of his death were exaggerated, and he would not want to be buried after his death. Instead, Hattel wished to be cremated.

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