Madunagala Hot water spring

This hot water well is located between Embilipitiya and Hambantota, close to Suriyawewa town. From Embilipitiya via Padangala, you can reach these hot springs by turning at the four-way junction on Suriyawewa Road and going about 4km. On one side is the historical Madunagala Forest where the Maha Rahats reside, and on the other side the Karambagala Forest Reserve which holds archaeological importance, and the hot springs are situated in the middle.

Madunagala Hot Water Springs

Medicinal hot water bathing facilities are also available at this place. Currently, five water tanks have been built around the hot springs. The temperature of these five water tanks is different from each other and water bubbles can be seen in the water tank with the highest temperature due to heat.


Also, an aviary, an aquarium, a museum, a tourist station and a fruit garden have also been constructed at this place.

Madunagala hot springs can be called a must-see place for those traveling in the southern province.

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